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Monday, January 10, 2011

New Week

Well today was an all right day. Work was ok but the afternoon kind of dragged on a bit. However the kids worked hard and did a good job.

I came home and emptied the trash, did a load of laundry and unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. After that I got on my Wii and worked out for 30 minutes. It was fun but the aerobic section is limited. Over the Christmas Break I got to play Just Dance on the Wii at Josh's sister's house. It was real fun! I decided I want to get it so that I can just have fun and dance and keep myself moving regularly. I also found out that there is a game for Zumba on the Wii and some more workout ones. So I am kind of excited to get some different kinds so that I can mix it up. The Wii tracks your activities but you can also put in other things you did outside of their own things. I am hoping I can pick up a game soon. Right now I am doing hula hoops, step aerobics and short distance running. I love dancing and so that would be fun. I took danced for around 10 years. I loved everyone minute of it. I wish I could get myself back in shape so that I could do more of it.

Anyway, I am glad that I worked out today. Even though it is just one day, I have to take it one day at a time. If I look too far ahead I can get off track. So each day is a new day to obtain new goals. Unfortunately tonight I haven't been feeling well, kind of been sick. I hope it passes so I am good for work tomorrow.

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